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First Nations Outreach, Inc.

Meet Our Board Member

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

She·kú kyátʌ,

My name is Jessica Wisneski. I am an enrolled tribal member of the Oneida Nation of WI, Turtle Clan, currently living in Appleton Wisconsin.

I attended the Title IX Indian Education Program offered through a Federal Grant in the Appleton Area School District when my mother was the Home School Coordinator. I remember when I was a young girl going to work with her. I thought her job was so cool that it became my dream job. Little did I know, that dream job would not last. After working in Indian Education (within a local area school district, as well as a higher education institution) I seen the need to re-establish this very much needed non-profit charitable organization within the Fox Cities Community.

I have seen first hand the lack of representation within our education system, a lack of knowledge when it comes to the Indigenous Community, and a need to share our stories, advocate for our students, and build a stronger Indigenous community within the Fox Cities Area.

I love seeing those across Turtle Island becoming Actors, Athletes, State Representatives, Comic Book Characters, Authors, Artists, Astronauts, I could go on and on. What I want is to see more of this, and the fact of the matter is we were always involved in these roles. Our history is not being taught in schools. Our students are not seeing that they too can become anything they want to, accomplish great things, it has to start somewhere. I see First Nations Outreach, Inc. becoming that Educational Tool.

We have great programs and services in the works for the upcoming years. I hope to see more community members getting involved; more partnerships being made; more fundraising events taking place; the ability to find a space within Appleton, that we can utilize to expand our services to the Fox Cities Community and surrounding areas.

I will end with Yukwatsistay^!

From the Onʌyoteˀa·ka "People of the Standing Stone" also known as the Oneida which translates in English to "Our Fire Our Spirit Within Each of Us!"

Please feel free to connect with us to learn more!


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